The education differentiate between Canada and Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, we do not have schools or universities expect one university, they involve boys and girls together only in kindergarten before they go to school. Another thing different, we have capacity and economy; however, we do not have develop in technology in our school. For example, we have computer in our schools, but we do not have in our classes. So, the teachers do not use it in their methods of teaching. Also, the methods of teaching different in Saudi Arabia, they do not make group in classes to discuss, only teachers talk and we listen to them, however when we have question we can ask them often after class and some teachers con ask them during class. In contrast, the education in Saudi Arabia is free of all stage of the study, primary school, secondary school, high school, and university.
On the other hand, in Canada boys and girls study together in school and university. Unlike Saudi Arabia's school, Canadian's school has develop in technology in their schools. For example, most teachers use computer in their methods. Also, methods of teaching are better than Saudi Arabia, the teachers make group to discuss. While Canadian students pay charge tuition to enroll in university, Saudi students are free. In summary, the education of Canada has a lot of different and better than the education of Saudi Arabia.